Deals & Cases

Homburger advised AMAG Leasing AG on the CHF 175 m in aggregate principal amount of 0.175% Green Bonds 2021 – 2025

The Bonds have been provisionally admitted to trading on the SIX Swiss Exchange on September 13, 2021.

AMAG Leasing AG (ALAG) is a subsidiary of AMAG Group AG, which is the largest mobility company in Switzerland. ALAG has become the leading car leasing company with a portfolio currently comprising approximately 180,000 contracts valued at more than CHF 4 bn.

ALAG is striving to use a variety of measures to reduce its environmental footprint. Transitioning its car leasing portfolio to a fleet of electric vehicles, along with other solutions for private and business customers, it will be making a crucial contribution to achieving these objectives.

ALAG has established a Green Finance Framework under which the company can raise Green financing such as Green Bonds. The Framework aligns with the 2021 version of the ICMA Green Bond Principles and the Green Loan Principles which are sets of voluntary guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the development of the Green finance markets.

ALAG intends to update this Green Finance Framework periodically, at its sole discretion and on a best effort basis, to reflect development in the best practices of the Green Finance Markets.

The Homburger team was led by partner Daniel Haeberli (Capital Markets) and included counsel Eduard De Zordi (Capital Markets) and paralegal Ganna Schneuwly (Capital Markets).